Peach, Simon, and Ciel

Season: Summer

Location: Vocal Room


……I regret to inform you that, even with my expertise and experience… Even if this stone’s engraving is pretty unique.

……Regarding its material, it is neither a fossil, nor a jewel—though that can be easily seen—and is simply a normal rock.

……Yes. I understand.

Oh? Sakuma-shi doesn’t look surprised. Is it because you already anticipated such an answer from the start?

Indeed. This verdict is expected; actually I have already anticipated it.

If that’s the case, why did you not tell them directly, and instead waste extra time and effort to search for His Excellency?

Kekeke. As is Saegusa-kun, thou dost not understand my feelings.

In this vast yet mysterious world filled with the unknown, to chance upon the joy and mystery of finding treasure—

Facing the children’s sparkling gazes full of anticipation, I could not go against them.

That is why, even though this piece of stone has a one in ten thousand chance to be a fossil, I still wanted to confirm it for the children.

Of course, deception is a far more vicious action. One only need to speak one lie, and would need to hide further lies.

Since it’s like this, I will alert you of a disappointing piece of news.

Apologies, Adonis-kun, little miss Anzu. I didn’t bring good news to you.

……Is it because you don’t want your kouhais to be disappointed in you.

……Sakuma-kun I have a suggestion

A few days after, at dusk

Location: Museum

Just one look at you hurrying over and it would be known that you were in a rush after your job had ended.

You have worked hard, Anzu.

Thank you for being willing to accompany us to the museum. And thank you once more for bringing over the tickets from Sakuma-senpai’s house.

Kekeke. Actually this was Ran-kun’s suggestion. The museum often displays a variety of precious fossils, small like bugs and plants, big like dragons……

That is why I wanted to bring thee here to see it; how a fossil actually looks.

Hey~ Little Miss Anzu, come here come here, let thee wait here……♪

Oh but why did senpai invite us here all of a sudden?

The two Aoi twins from 2wink recommended this museum to I. I heard that they had formerly organised a performance here with Valkyrie, 1 and left great memories.

……Then from what you say, little miss Anzu had came here before, and saw their performance.

If you are willing to be in charge of being today’s tour guide, could you take us around the museum? Oh well then, let’s hand this over to the little miss♪

“When viewing the exhibitions please refrain from speaking loudly. Please refrain from touching the displayed items, apart from those not placed in the exhibition.

Yes, I remembered you talking about it.

Thou sayest there is a fossil-themed cafe nearby, and I can go there whenever I’m tired?

Kekeke, the little miss is as kind as ever. Though you do not need to be worried for I.

Dusk suits the time for vampires to go out and eat; I feel my spirits are being lifted now☆

Looks like the little miss is just about finished gathering her wits, and so I, too, shall go to the exhibitions according to my preferences then.

(Oh, oh……! This is truly a dinosaur fossil!)

(A firm skeleton, sharp teeth, firm limbs bursting with power…… Every aspect of this clearly shows the wild power of life.)

(Standing with those who were formerly on this planet, and as such standing in front of those large species, I realise how one’s own power is infinitesimally small.)

(I need to continue working hard, and become stronger. If not, I can't protect those who are weaker than me.)

……Ah, sorry for that, Anzu. I was only looking out for myself, but you don’t have a passion for dinosaur fossils, do you. Accompanying me might be very boring for you.

You said “There’s no problem, you’re enjoying it”? Oh, are you? Then that’s good.

(Oh, oh……! This is truly a dinosaur fossil!)

Allow me to go with you to see what you want, too..

Oh, there are lots of people crowding the exhibit; we can’t see what it is.

Anzu, do you want to sit on my shoulders? You’ll be able to see it that way.

You say it’s like being treated like a small child, and it feels very uncomfortable, and so that’s why you’re rejecting me? Apologies, I didn’t really consider that.

Buchou…… Mikejima-senpai seems to like doing this to other people, which is why I assumed it would be a good idea.

Then let’s go to a place where there are fewer people. I heard that this exhibition also has a variety of sparkling ores from different eras.

……Wait a moment, I haven't seen Sakuma-senpai for a while now.

Did Anzu not find him either? We shouldn’t have lost Sakuma-senpai, right?

Was senpai able to go to the café that Anzu recommended before? Don’t worry, we can go search for it together.

If we really can’t find it, I know that we can go to the broadcast centre at the lost and found 2, and announce a “missing person case”—

Location: Museum (Blackout)

—?! Why would the sky turn black all of a sudden?

Oh, the power went out. Just as luck would have it.

Anzu, just stay right here and wait, and don’t leave my sight. It’ll be a lot of trouble if you get swept up by the crowd.

Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you. But I’m a bit worried for Sakuma-senpai……

“......Cough cough.

Hm. Oh, so it is just these two insignificant human beings daring to disturb this peace of mine.

For the price of awakening me from a deep slumber, let ye beg at my feet, and offer up your blood and soul, and declare me the highest emperor! Hahaha!”

……Wha-, what is going on? Where is that voice coming from?

  1. Reference to Steampunk Museum
  2. So it’s basically lost and found for children where parents would announce their message for a missing child

Peach, Crow, and Ciel

Season: Summer

Location: At a corner of the Hanging Garden

One morning during the summer break


(Hmm. The decision to have morning practice here was correct.)

(The air here has the fragrance of flowers and dew. When I hear the birds’ sweet voices, my spirit naturally calms down, letting me get into the mood faster.)

(Even though I still want to continue singing practice, it's going to be time for breakfast soon. Then, there will be a lot of people who would come here.)

(Even if my voice is pleasant to hear, if by chance I disturb someone’s peace, then I would just become a nuisance to them.)

(Speaking of breakfast, I’m starting to get hungry. And I need to recharge my energy.)

(If I go to the canteen now, there should be many free tables.)

(Hm? Who tapped my shoulder?)

……Oh, it’s Anzu. Good morning.

It seems that you already called me several times, but I seemed to have not heard you?

Speaking about which, just now I feel as if I heard a faraway voice, but because I was thinking about other stuff, I didn’t pay attention. I apologize for not recognising your voice instantly. Why were you looking for me, Anzu?

You say it isn’t work-related, but that you spotted me on the way to the staff canteen and wanted to ask if I’d like to eat breakfast together?

Haha, of course. After all, I very rarely see you at school, let alone eating a meal together. Let’s talk while going to the canteen.

I don't know what today’s set meal will be. If it’s just the usual offering between A and B, the two types of set meal, I’ll just select the meal with more meat.

You want to select the meal with more vegetables? Even though you’re publicly known as the “hardworking producer”……

In my opinion, your body is thin and delicate as always, just like a piece of paper. I’m worried for your health.

If you ate more meat, your body would become stronger. This way you can grab hold of a healthy spirit.

Did I say something wrong just now and made you upset? I’m sorry, ……?! (Anzu suddenly grabbed ahold of Adonis’ shoulder)

Wha- What is it? Don’t tell me that there’s something dangerous around here?

I didn’t even notice anything at all. It looks like I wasn’t mindful enough.

But then, can you please not hold me so tightly? If I am stopped here, unable to move, I would have no way to protect you.

You told me to stand still here, then lowered your head to look at my left foot?

Ahh, so it’s like this. You’re interested in that.

Let me pick it up for you.

The shape of this piece of rock is really special, huh. Upon a closer look, there is something mysterious that defies all logic lodged into the rock.

……Hm, just like you said, it really does look like a bone. According to the books I read, this type of stone is probably a “fossil” from a long, long time ago isn’t it?

I wasn’t paying attention to my path just now, and so I nearly stepped on it. If I had stepped on it and broken it, i’d definitely regret it for the rest of my life.

Thank goodness you stopped me, Anzu. Actually, your strength is greater than I imagined. To thank you, let me treat you to a meal later.

Speaking of, how should we deal with this stone? If we put it back, it’s very likely to be stepped on by other people.

We could possibly keep it for ourselves. But if it really is a piece of fossil, shouldn’t we give it to a museum or something of the like, since it has value?

But, since it was Anzu who found it, I’ll leave it to you to decide.

No matter what you choose, I’ll always support you.

Oh? If it isn’t Adonis-kun and the little miss. What are thou standing there idly for?

Good morning, Sakuma-senpai.

……I can’t get used to the sight of senpai so early in the morning.

Huaa (yawning noises)…… In actuality, I too am not completely used to getting up early.

During breakfast, I, in a daze, squeezed an entire bag of ketchup into my coffee.

All thanks to that mishap, which led to the weird taste, upon which I was awakened. So what are you up to standing about here?

If you don’t head to the canteen soon, the number of people there will multiply.

Actually we’ve come across a conundrum. If senpai is free to hear us out, I would like to hear your opinion.

Peach, Crow, and Ciel

Season: Summer

Location: At the Hanging Garden

Oh, turns out you picked up a rock resembling a “fossil” ... Let me get a closer look.



Sakuma-senpai, what is it? Don’t you think it’s a fossil?

……Or is our guess wrong, and this is only a piece of rock?

Hmm…… Kindly forgive me for being unable to make an immediate judgment.

Even though I am an aged monster, and can recognise more things than the average person, I cannot know about every field of knowledge.

Fossil experts…… I remember COSPRO’s Ran-senpai is experienced in this field, and has a handful of fossils too.

The other day Ran-senpai gifted me a type of jewel called a “topaz”. I still don’t know its use.

Wu~ Wuwuwu (Crying noise)……In the time when I wasn't paying attention, Adonis-kun and Ran-kun became so close so as to exchange gifts? I am terribly lonesome.

Hm? Previously, I helped Ran-senpai find a piece of lapis lazuli that was thrown away and received it as thanks.1

According to Sakuma-senpai, is that the mark of a close relationship?

Heh heh heh. Is it not? Looks like Adonis-kun is still a late-bloomer♪

If it is so, let thee go and find Nagisa-kun to examine this rock, and you would most likely find a more astute evaluation.

Even if it’s accidental, miscalculating the true value of this would be a hindrance. Let I recommend thee to search for a fossil expert to appraise it.

The I just now was just joking. If thou are able to make more friends, I’ll be happy for you in my heart.

Good morning, Sakuma-senpai!

If not for the waking-up service by me and Yuta-kun’s, it’d be hard for senpai to get up on time~! Wave☆ (Salute)

Yes yes, surprisingly Sakuma-senpai didn’t laze around in bed today, how wonderful♪ Wave☆(Salute)

……Woah?! Oh, it's the kids from “2wink”.

I’ll treat what you all said just now as a compliment. Even though it is the truth that I’m frequently unable to get up in the mornings, I hope you all will still let me save some face, and not go about announcing it.

But then, if the I remembers correctly, what you all did is according to Saegusa-kun’s instructions isn’t it?

I almost thought that I had been hallucinating, two Saegusa-kuns had appeared before my eyes.

Or is it that I assumed such a lowly snake-like existence, has advanced to a stage where he is capable of performing shadow arts?

Ahaha. Although the vice prez may be so interesting that it’s actually a little scary… aren’t those kinds of shadow arts only something a ninja like Shinobu-kun could do?

But this brings up the point that the two of us imitate vice-prez so well that we’re indistinguishable, right?

Yup! Looks like we really are the best two-in-one twin idols! Right, Yuta-kun……☆

Uwoah, don’t hug me in front of Sakuma-senpai, aniki~!

Kukuku. Looking at the sight of cute kids playing about, I can’t help but reminisce upon the happy times in the light music club……♪

Thy rapid growth is all recorded in my brain. But for the time being let I, as your senpai, give some advice.

Mirroring each other is indeed a type of technique. But if you’re pursuing similarity and not cherishing your sense of self, eventually you can only become the second “other”, and not the one and only “ego”.

Even though it just could be me being a busybody. If thou really likes it, you could ask Hibiki-kun to teach you the tricks of the trade.

Hm, I completely get what you’re saying, Sakuma-senpai. But when we first decided on this mirror act, it wasn’t to give up on our ego right?

In contrast, this is all so we can keep going on our own in COSPRO. A type of survival tactic.

It’s just like what Yuta-kun said: to exist without any bumps in the road, we’re gonna employ all our skills and use every resource necessary!

We’re more determined than senpai thinks, that’s why you don’t have to worry. Of course, when it’s needed, we’ll also ask for help from you whenever♪

Hmm. Then I’ll be completely relieved. Talking about that, did you happen to see Saegusa-kun in the office?

Ah~ Right right, we’re pinning everything on this, which vice-prez also instigated.

Vice-prez is currently taking care of a problem that demands his personal attention. So if Sakuma-senpai arrived before the allotted time, we’d have to be in charge of welcoming you.

……So it is such. How Saegusa-kun treats his guests is rather attentive.

Good morning, Sakuma-san! For all that trouble of stooping down and coming all the way here without even a welcome… I sincerely apologize for that!

As you’ve heard, because of being tangled up in prior engagements I was unable to personally welcome you. And wasted a few minutes of your precious time, so please allow me to direct my most sincere apologies to you!

Saegusa-kun has no need to apologize. This time it is thanks to you, that I could happily converse with the precious children I haven’t seen in a long while.

Thus I, on the contrary, should be thanking Saegusa-kun for creating such an opportunity for us. Wave……☆(Salute)


(Whispering) Ahaha♪ Are you seeing this, how vice-prez is standing there in a daze~?

(Whispering) Ahh, looks like Sakuma-senpai’s imitation dealt severe psychic damage.

……Keke. Showing you such an uncomposed visage is too impolite of me, please do forget that ever happened.

However, I didn’t think that this salute would be so popular with everyone! It’s a great honour and it fills me with profound respect and humility!

Kekeke. Previously when I first saw “2wink”’s greeting, I assumed that this was protocol peculiar to COSPRO, and therefore tried it out.

Since we’re already off-schedule, let us cut to the chase.

As you wish♪ Next time I shall proceed to use the most efficient strategy to introduce the current collaboration plan in the most efficient way. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me unceremoniously or any way you please!

  1. Reference to the idol story One of a kind