Peach, Simon, and Ciel

Season: Summer

Location: Vocal Room


……I regret to inform you that, even with my expertise and experience… Even if this stone’s engraving is pretty unique.

……Regarding its material, it is neither a fossil, nor a jewel—though that can be easily seen—and is simply a normal rock.

……Yes. I understand.

Oh? Sakuma-shi doesn’t look surprised. Is it because you already anticipated such an answer from the start?

Indeed. This verdict is expected; actually I have already anticipated it.

If that’s the case, why did you not tell them directly, and instead waste extra time and effort to search for His Excellency?

Kekeke. As is Saegusa-kun, thou dost not understand my feelings.

In this vast yet mysterious world filled with the unknown, to chance upon the joy and mystery of finding treasure—

Facing the children’s sparkling gazes full of anticipation, I could not go against them.

That is why, even though this piece of stone has a one in ten thousand chance to be a fossil, I still wanted to confirm it for the children.

Of course, deception is a far more vicious action. One only need to speak one lie, and would need to hide further lies.

Since it’s like this, I will alert you of a disappointing piece of news.

Apologies, Adonis-kun, little miss Anzu. I didn’t bring good news to you.

……Is it because you don’t want your kouhais to be disappointed in you.

……Sakuma-kun I have a suggestion

A few days after, at dusk

Location: Museum

Just one look at you hurrying over and it would be known that you were in a rush after your job had ended.

You have worked hard, Anzu.

Thank you for being willing to accompany us to the museum. And thank you once more for bringing over the tickets from Sakuma-senpai’s house.

Kekeke. Actually this was Ran-kun’s suggestion. The museum often displays a variety of precious fossils, small like bugs and plants, big like dragons……

That is why I wanted to bring thee here to see it; how a fossil actually looks.

Hey~ Little Miss Anzu, come here come here, let thee wait here……♪

Oh but why did senpai invite us here all of a sudden?

The two Aoi twins from 2wink recommended this museum to I. I heard that they had formerly organised a performance here with Valkyrie, 1 and left great memories.

……Then from what you say, little miss Anzu had came here before, and saw their performance.

If you are willing to be in charge of being today’s tour guide, could you take us around the museum? Oh well then, let’s hand this over to the little miss♪

“When viewing the exhibitions please refrain from speaking loudly. Please refrain from touching the displayed items, apart from those not placed in the exhibition.

Yes, I remembered you talking about it.

Thou sayest there is a fossil-themed cafe nearby, and I can go there whenever I’m tired?

Kekeke, the little miss is as kind as ever. Though you do not need to be worried for I.

Dusk suits the time for vampires to go out and eat; I feel my spirits are being lifted now☆

Looks like the little miss is just about finished gathering her wits, and so I, too, shall go to the exhibitions according to my preferences then.

(Oh, oh……! This is truly a dinosaur fossil!)

(A firm skeleton, sharp teeth, firm limbs bursting with power…… Every aspect of this clearly shows the wild power of life.)

(Standing with those who were formerly on this planet, and as such standing in front of those large species, I realise how one’s own power is infinitesimally small.)

(I need to continue working hard, and become stronger. If not, I can't protect those who are weaker than me.)

……Ah, sorry for that, Anzu. I was only looking out for myself, but you don’t have a passion for dinosaur fossils, do you. Accompanying me might be very boring for you.

You said “There’s no problem, you’re enjoying it”? Oh, are you? Then that’s good.

(Oh, oh……! This is truly a dinosaur fossil!)

Allow me to go with you to see what you want, too..

Oh, there are lots of people crowding the exhibit; we can’t see what it is.

Anzu, do you want to sit on my shoulders? You’ll be able to see it that way.

You say it’s like being treated like a small child, and it feels very uncomfortable, and so that’s why you’re rejecting me? Apologies, I didn’t really consider that.

Buchou…… Mikejima-senpai seems to like doing this to other people, which is why I assumed it would be a good idea.

Then let’s go to a place where there are fewer people. I heard that this exhibition also has a variety of sparkling ores from different eras.

……Wait a moment, I haven't seen Sakuma-senpai for a while now.

Did Anzu not find him either? We shouldn’t have lost Sakuma-senpai, right?

Was senpai able to go to the café that Anzu recommended before? Don’t worry, we can go search for it together.

If we really can’t find it, I know that we can go to the broadcast centre at the lost and found 2, and announce a “missing person case”—

Location: Museum (Blackout)

—?! Why would the sky turn black all of a sudden?

Oh, the power went out. Just as luck would have it.

Anzu, just stay right here and wait, and don’t leave my sight. It’ll be a lot of trouble if you get swept up by the crowd.

Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you. But I’m a bit worried for Sakuma-senpai……

“......Cough cough.

Hm. Oh, so it is just these two insignificant human beings daring to disturb this peace of mine.

For the price of awakening me from a deep slumber, let ye beg at my feet, and offer up your blood and soul, and declare me the highest emperor! Hahaha!”

……Wha-, what is going on? Where is that voice coming from?

  1. Reference to Steampunk Museum
  2. So it’s basically lost and found for children where parents would announce their message for a missing child

Peach, Simon, ohcheckmate

Season: Summer

Location: Cosmic Production Offices

……Yes, I already got the hang of the plan. Looks like Saegusa-kun prepared sufficiently in advance.

Then afterwards, amongst your hundred duties, please do contemplate my suggestion! If you can help bring about this particular plan, I believe our companies would definitely accomplish the strongest fronts of cooperation!

If you have any further questions, regardless of how many, I, Saegusa Ibara, will be willing to explain one by one, until you fully understand♪

Actually, I indeed still have a question. Do tell where Nagisa-kun is, I have something I want to consult him with.

……Oya oya? Now that’s an unexpected question.

No, thou art mistaken. The reason I am looking for Ran-kun is not to discuss job matters, it is because this matter requires that of Nagisa-kun’s judgement.


Perhaps you may have heard that, in fact, His Excellency has already handed over all the “unit” related work for me to take care of. That is why if you have any questions regarding this facet of-

So you wish for this fossil-like piece of stone picked up on the roadside to undergo an appraisal… So that’s what it was.

His excellency is enthusiastic about matters of archaeology; I believe he would also be really happy that you seeked him for help with this small matter.

But then, according to the allotted schedule, His Excellency should be practising acting in the practice room. The “Dramatica” theatre troupe is organising a performance soon, and His Excellency seems to be quite absorbed in it.

Oh…… It so happens that I really want to experience a bit of Ran-kun's acting expertise as well. Then I shall ask Saegusa-kun to lead the way♪

Location: Vocal room

A few minutes after

“Ahh, the foolish and weak human race! Unable to see clearly your fate, thy biggest lamentation!

Thee naïvely assume, beheading the I who is deemed evil, and in one fell swoop, becoming the saviour? As thee knows, you will soon fall into the ending stage of mine!

No one would mourn the fresh blood spilled from thee’s desperate struggle. No one would feel grateful for thee previous accomplishments. Only the blind who seek fame and accolades, dance upon thee’s grave in vain.

If it is so, the brave! Should thee raise up thy sharp blade too, and pierce my heart?

Nagisa: ……Then this scene ends here.

……Plays are for people to see, if not, then it cannot be called a play.

……Therefore, the audience of two hiding behind the door. Since you finished watching, I hope you will give me some constructive criticism.

Ahaha! As expected of His Excellency, my ambush skills in front of your sharp senses are reduced to nothing.

But I was only following Sakuma-shi’s wishes by waiting a bit so as to not disturb His Excellency’s brilliant performance. I did not intend to play a childish game of hide-and-seek with you, Your Excellency!

That’s right, that’s right. I was not planning on hiding in the dark corner to peep, but was entranced by Nagisa-kun's acting as the evil dragon; even until now, my heart is pounding non-stop.

Hm hm hm. If you must know, His Excellency’s flexibility would never be achieved by the common man, no matter what type of character is given to him, he would bring it to life.

……Then this scene ends.

……If it is really as you say, then this performance by the troupe shouldn’t make fans disappointed.

“Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons”, was it…… I think that Tenshouin-kun would like this fable.

……Yes indeed. Eichi-kun would have fun taking the role of the evil dragon. Even though we have previously taken charge of a role like a dragon slayer, it is a so-called “upright” character.

……But then, now, we don’t need evil dragons or dragon slayers to arbitrarily make a sacrifice.

……Like recycling a malignant curse, in Yumenosaki Academy, it comes to an end.

……Upon that slowly closing wound of a place, being able to showcase a smile is possible… a flower unfurls again.

Looks like thou hast a feel for this play. If I ever have the chance to, I will go see your stage, Nagisa-kun.

To personally watch the stage Ran-kun and Hibiki-kun are both on would definitely give me twice as many shivers.

……Haha. Under the ruling of the gods, there may be a day like that.

……As it seems that you have an interest in theatre, Sakuma-kun, do you want to participate in our troupe activities as well?

Kekeke. Thank thee for your kindness, but I think I’ll pass. Wanting to do it and being able to do it are, in fact, two separate things.

In the daylight I have difficulty displaying my full potential. I can only manage situations where my energy level is low with great difficulty, and I only suit the opposite time. 1 For this activity I already underwent sufficient training.

And what’s more, I do not have my “vampire grandpa” as well, so there’s a limit to the role types I can act out.

For example, if a cleric or excitable children were to request a performance, it would completely break the mould and create nothing but conflict.

……Yes. Regarding that point… I understand completely

…………Maintaining your persona is indeed a rather difficult problem. Ibara usually is in charge of rectifying my public image.

Please forgive me for not following along to the two of you’s conversation, but then did His Excellency mention my name just now?

Thank you for remembering me, and at any rate, I was beginning to wonder whether I really exist in this situation!

……Ibara, are you thinking of reminding me to go and eat lunch with Eden? But I’m not that hungry now.

Oh, regretfully enough, it’s too early for lunch. Actually, Sakuma-shi has something to ask you to overlook, that’s why I helped to find you, that’s all.

Please inform me in advance what dishes you want to eat in the afternoon, and I will consider how to efficiently coordinate its nutritional balance and arrange it accordingly!

……I said I’m not hungry just now. Just go by your preferences, Ibara.

Yes! As you command, Your Excellency!

(……Although I heard that Ran-kun’s daily meals are all regulated by Saegusa-kun, I didn’t think it would be as such.)

Nagisa-kun. My coming is to represent Adonis-kun and little miss Anzu’s request, hoping that thou art able to pass judgement over the rock that they found in the hanging garden.

……Good. I will look at it closely.

……I am also expectant, the treasure that the two of them found, exactly what its value is.

  1. Opposite as in daytime