Peach, Simon, ohcheckmate

Season: Summer

Location: Cosmic Production Offices

……Yes, I already got the hang of the plan. Looks like Saegusa-kun prepared sufficiently in advance.

Then afterwards, amongst your hundred duties, please do contemplate my suggestion! If you can help bring about this particular plan, I believe our companies would definitely accomplish the strongest fronts of cooperation!

If you have any further questions, regardless of how many, I, Saegusa Ibara, will be willing to explain one by one, until you fully understand♪

Actually, I indeed still have a question. Do tell where Nagisa-kun is, I have something I want to consult him with.

……Oya oya? Now that’s an unexpected question.

No, thou art mistaken. The reason I am looking for Ran-kun is not to discuss job matters, it is because this matter requires that of Nagisa-kun’s judgement.


Perhaps you may have heard that, in fact, His Excellency has already handed over all the “unit” related work for me to take care of. That is why if you have any questions regarding this facet of-

So you wish for this fossil-like piece of stone picked up on the roadside to undergo an appraisal… So that’s what it was.

His excellency is enthusiastic about matters of archaeology; I believe he would also be really happy that you seeked him for help with this small matter.

But then, according to the allotted schedule, His Excellency should be practising acting in the practice room. The “Dramatica” theatre troupe is organising a performance soon, and His Excellency seems to be quite absorbed in it.

Oh…… It so happens that I really want to experience a bit of Ran-kun's acting expertise as well. Then I shall ask Saegusa-kun to lead the way♪

Location: Vocal room

A few minutes after

“Ahh, the foolish and weak human race! Unable to see clearly your fate, thy biggest lamentation!

Thee naïvely assume, beheading the I who is deemed evil, and in one fell swoop, becoming the saviour? As thee knows, you will soon fall into the ending stage of mine!

No one would mourn the fresh blood spilled from thee’s desperate struggle. No one would feel grateful for thee previous accomplishments. Only the blind who seek fame and accolades, dance upon thee’s grave in vain.

If it is so, the brave! Should thee raise up thy sharp blade too, and pierce my heart?

Nagisa: ……Then this scene ends here.

……Plays are for people to see, if not, then it cannot be called a play.

……Therefore, the audience of two hiding behind the door. Since you finished watching, I hope you will give me some constructive criticism.

Ahaha! As expected of His Excellency, my ambush skills in front of your sharp senses are reduced to nothing.

But I was only following Sakuma-shi’s wishes by waiting a bit so as to not disturb His Excellency’s brilliant performance. I did not intend to play a childish game of hide-and-seek with you, Your Excellency!

That’s right, that’s right. I was not planning on hiding in the dark corner to peep, but was entranced by Nagisa-kun's acting as the evil dragon; even until now, my heart is pounding non-stop.

Hm hm hm. If you must know, His Excellency’s flexibility would never be achieved by the common man, no matter what type of character is given to him, he would bring it to life.

……Then this scene ends.

……If it is really as you say, then this performance by the troupe shouldn’t make fans disappointed.

“Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons”, was it…… I think that Tenshouin-kun would like this fable.

……Yes indeed. Eichi-kun would have fun taking the role of the evil dragon. Even though we have previously taken charge of a role like a dragon slayer, it is a so-called “upright” character.

……But then, now, we don’t need evil dragons or dragon slayers to arbitrarily make a sacrifice.

……Like recycling a malignant curse, in Yumenosaki Academy, it comes to an end.

……Upon that slowly closing wound of a place, being able to showcase a smile is possible… a flower unfurls again.

Looks like thou hast a feel for this play. If I ever have the chance to, I will go see your stage, Nagisa-kun.

To personally watch the stage Ran-kun and Hibiki-kun are both on would definitely give me twice as many shivers.

……Haha. Under the ruling of the gods, there may be a day like that.

……As it seems that you have an interest in theatre, Sakuma-kun, do you want to participate in our troupe activities as well?

Kekeke. Thank thee for your kindness, but I think I’ll pass. Wanting to do it and being able to do it are, in fact, two separate things.

In the daylight I have difficulty displaying my full potential. I can only manage situations where my energy level is low with great difficulty, and I only suit the opposite time. 1 For this activity I already underwent sufficient training.

And what’s more, I do not have my “vampire grandpa” as well, so there’s a limit to the role types I can act out.

For example, if a cleric or excitable children were to request a performance, it would completely break the mould and create nothing but conflict.

……Yes. Regarding that point… I understand completely

…………Maintaining your persona is indeed a rather difficult problem. Ibara usually is in charge of rectifying my public image.

Please forgive me for not following along to the two of you’s conversation, but then did His Excellency mention my name just now?

Thank you for remembering me, and at any rate, I was beginning to wonder whether I really exist in this situation!

……Ibara, are you thinking of reminding me to go and eat lunch with Eden? But I’m not that hungry now.

Oh, regretfully enough, it’s too early for lunch. Actually, Sakuma-shi has something to ask you to overlook, that’s why I helped to find you, that’s all.

Please inform me in advance what dishes you want to eat in the afternoon, and I will consider how to efficiently coordinate its nutritional balance and arrange it accordingly!

……I said I’m not hungry just now. Just go by your preferences, Ibara.

Yes! As you command, Your Excellency!

(……Although I heard that Ran-kun’s daily meals are all regulated by Saegusa-kun, I didn’t think it would be as such.)

Nagisa-kun. My coming is to represent Adonis-kun and little miss Anzu’s request, hoping that thou art able to pass judgement over the rock that they found in the hanging garden.

……Good. I will look at it closely.

……I am also expectant, the treasure that the two of them found, exactly what its value is.

  1. Opposite as in daytime

Peach, Crow, and Ciel

Season: Summer

Location: At the Hanging Garden

Oh, turns out you picked up a rock resembling a “fossil” ... Let me get a closer look.



Sakuma-senpai, what is it? Don’t you think it’s a fossil?

……Or is our guess wrong, and this is only a piece of rock?

Hmm…… Kindly forgive me for being unable to make an immediate judgment.

Even though I am an aged monster, and can recognise more things than the average person, I cannot know about every field of knowledge.

Fossil experts…… I remember COSPRO’s Ran-senpai is experienced in this field, and has a handful of fossils too.

The other day Ran-senpai gifted me a type of jewel called a “topaz”. I still don’t know its use.

Wu~ Wuwuwu (Crying noise)……In the time when I wasn't paying attention, Adonis-kun and Ran-kun became so close so as to exchange gifts? I am terribly lonesome.

Hm? Previously, I helped Ran-senpai find a piece of lapis lazuli that was thrown away and received it as thanks.1

According to Sakuma-senpai, is that the mark of a close relationship?

Heh heh heh. Is it not? Looks like Adonis-kun is still a late-bloomer♪

If it is so, let thee go and find Nagisa-kun to examine this rock, and you would most likely find a more astute evaluation.

Even if it’s accidental, miscalculating the true value of this would be a hindrance. Let I recommend thee to search for a fossil expert to appraise it.

The I just now was just joking. If thou are able to make more friends, I’ll be happy for you in my heart.

Good morning, Sakuma-senpai!

If not for the waking-up service by me and Yuta-kun’s, it’d be hard for senpai to get up on time~! Wave☆ (Salute)

Yes yes, surprisingly Sakuma-senpai didn’t laze around in bed today, how wonderful♪ Wave☆(Salute)

……Woah?! Oh, it's the kids from “2wink”.

I’ll treat what you all said just now as a compliment. Even though it is the truth that I’m frequently unable to get up in the mornings, I hope you all will still let me save some face, and not go about announcing it.

But then, if the I remembers correctly, what you all did is according to Saegusa-kun’s instructions isn’t it?

I almost thought that I had been hallucinating, two Saegusa-kuns had appeared before my eyes.

Or is it that I assumed such a lowly snake-like existence, has advanced to a stage where he is capable of performing shadow arts?

Ahaha. Although the vice prez may be so interesting that it’s actually a little scary… aren’t those kinds of shadow arts only something a ninja like Shinobu-kun could do?

But this brings up the point that the two of us imitate vice-prez so well that we’re indistinguishable, right?

Yup! Looks like we really are the best two-in-one twin idols! Right, Yuta-kun……☆

Uwoah, don’t hug me in front of Sakuma-senpai, aniki~!

Kukuku. Looking at the sight of cute kids playing about, I can’t help but reminisce upon the happy times in the light music club……♪

Thy rapid growth is all recorded in my brain. But for the time being let I, as your senpai, give some advice.

Mirroring each other is indeed a type of technique. But if you’re pursuing similarity and not cherishing your sense of self, eventually you can only become the second “other”, and not the one and only “ego”.

Even though it just could be me being a busybody. If thou really likes it, you could ask Hibiki-kun to teach you the tricks of the trade.

Hm, I completely get what you’re saying, Sakuma-senpai. But when we first decided on this mirror act, it wasn’t to give up on our ego right?

In contrast, this is all so we can keep going on our own in COSPRO. A type of survival tactic.

It’s just like what Yuta-kun said: to exist without any bumps in the road, we’re gonna employ all our skills and use every resource necessary!

We’re more determined than senpai thinks, that’s why you don’t have to worry. Of course, when it’s needed, we’ll also ask for help from you whenever♪

Hmm. Then I’ll be completely relieved. Talking about that, did you happen to see Saegusa-kun in the office?

Ah~ Right right, we’re pinning everything on this, which vice-prez also instigated.

Vice-prez is currently taking care of a problem that demands his personal attention. So if Sakuma-senpai arrived before the allotted time, we’d have to be in charge of welcoming you.

……So it is such. How Saegusa-kun treats his guests is rather attentive.

Good morning, Sakuma-san! For all that trouble of stooping down and coming all the way here without even a welcome… I sincerely apologize for that!

As you’ve heard, because of being tangled up in prior engagements I was unable to personally welcome you. And wasted a few minutes of your precious time, so please allow me to direct my most sincere apologies to you!

Saegusa-kun has no need to apologize. This time it is thanks to you, that I could happily converse with the precious children I haven’t seen in a long while.

Thus I, on the contrary, should be thanking Saegusa-kun for creating such an opportunity for us. Wave……☆(Salute)


(Whispering) Ahaha♪ Are you seeing this, how vice-prez is standing there in a daze~?

(Whispering) Ahh, looks like Sakuma-senpai’s imitation dealt severe psychic damage.

……Keke. Showing you such an uncomposed visage is too impolite of me, please do forget that ever happened.

However, I didn’t think that this salute would be so popular with everyone! It’s a great honour and it fills me with profound respect and humility!

Kekeke. Previously when I first saw “2wink”’s greeting, I assumed that this was protocol peculiar to COSPRO, and therefore tried it out.

Since we’re already off-schedule, let us cut to the chase.

As you wish♪ Next time I shall proceed to use the most efficient strategy to introduce the current collaboration plan in the most efficient way. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me unceremoniously or any way you please!

  1. Reference to the idol story One of a kind